Diversified Agriculture
Quinton Gibson,
Principles of Agriscience:
This course serves as an introduction to the sciences, technologies, and applied practices of the progressive agriculture/agriscience industry. Emphasis is on an active learning environment enriched with technology- and science-based applications. The course focuses on providing an opportunity for students to explore the different fields of the agricultural sciences and develop foundational skills and knowledge needed for advancement in other courses and programs.
Animals Core:
This course is a culmination of in-depth study in the production, management, and evaluation of livestock based upon intended use. The course also addresses livestock facilities and management and guides students to research current issues in animal agriculture. Emphasis is on an active learning environment enriched with technology and hands-on, science-based applications.
Plants Core:
This course is centered on agricultural plant growth, production, and management and harvesting. The course provides an opportunity for students to go in-depth regarding plant production in various areas of agriculture, from food and fiber crops, to forestry, landscape, and ornamental horticulture and alternative fuel crops.
Mechanization Core:
Mechanization Core is centered on teaching advanced skills in mechanization as they apply to various aspects of an agricultural work environment. Students will attain advanced knowledge and skills in areas such as electricity, welding and fabrication, hydraulics and pneumatics, and the management and operation of agricultural equipment. Focus is on an active learning environment enriched with technology, engineering, and math-based applications.
Perry County Vo-Tech does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the Nondiscrimination Policies:
Title IX Coordinator: Mrs. Allison Temple Section 504 Coordinator: Dr. Anthony O'Neal
100-B 8th Ave. 100-B 8th Ave.
New Augusta, MS 39462 New Augusta, MS 39462
atemple@pcsdms.us aoneal@pcsdms.us
601-964-3326 601-964-3635